Centered H1 Heading

This is a skeleton html file. It has examples of most popular markup tags.

If you like this line you should stop reading now. I can't help you.


Still with us? Good.
Scroll down until the blinking text is gone, or you'll have a headache before we're done.

Standard HTML (HTML2)


HTML provides six levels of headings, from H1 to H6. This documents uses an H1 heading (centered) at the top, uses H2 headings for the major sections, and H4 headings to introduce each new topic.

HTML favors logical markup, such as strong, em(emphasis), code, kbd, var, dfn.

It also supports physical markup, such as b for boldface, i for italics, and tt for typewriter font.

Unordered Lists

  • one item of the list
  • another item
  • the last item

Ordered Lists

  1. First item of the list. Note that they are numbered automatically.
  2. Second item
  3. The last item

Preformatted Text

You can include preformatted text too, such as the following table
               ASUS PCI/E-P54NP4   Gigabyte GA-586ID   Tyan Tempest S1462
SIMM sockets           6                   6                   8
EISA slots             4                   5                   5
PCI slots              4                   3                   4
PS/2 port              Y                   N                   N

Hypertext Anchors

Anchors can use relative URLs such as this link to a
bad example of html abuse.
Relative URLs are also used to jump within a document to different index marks such as top, html2, html3, or netscape.
Links can also use absolute URLs to take you somewhere far away or around the corner.


Use IMG to include images. For example, burst or back or new or updated


Day was departing, and the darkening air
Called all earth's creatures to their evening quiet
While I alone was preparing as though for war...

The Inferno of Dante, Canto II

HTML3 Extentions

With HTML3, you can specify an ALIGN attribute for headings and paragraphs.
For IMG, you can now specify ALIGN, WIDTH, and HEIGHT.
You can also specify a background image, for example
<body background="/icons/rainboww.gif">

New logical markups include subscripts, superscripts, big text, and small text.
There is also an underlining directive <U>, but few browsers support it yet.

Netscape Extentions

Netscape allows you to set the colour of the background, text, links, and visited links. This page was setup as follows:
<!-- off-white background, red visited links -->
<body bgcolor="#fffdef" vlink="#ff0000">

For IMG, new attributes are border, rspace, hspace, lowsrc. Text can be centered with the <CENTER> element, as was done with the top heading of this document.

Horizontal Rules

Netscape allows you to set the size, width, alignment and shading of rules. Here's a solid, 5 pixel wide line, across 70% of the page, aligned on the left.

List Attributes

  • disc bullets
  • circle bullets
  • square bullets

Font Size and Colour

Some small print comes before the tiny print and is followed by the large print.
Colours are specified via RGB ( red, green, blue ) values. By combining these primaries, we can get cyan, magenta, yellow, purple, white, black, light blue, grey.
You can really get peoples' attention, and probably annoy them, by using the BLINK element.


If you want to use tables, forms, cgi programs, applets, and frames, I recommend you get "HTML Sourcebook" 2nd edition, by Ian Graham.


There is a default homepage we give our users. Our root account is too busy to customize it. Some people have more time on their hands, though.

Many informative pages can be found in the Web Information Guide

This page by Steve Kotsopoulos,
Last update: May 21, 1996.

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